Frequently Asked Questions - La Maison Chouette


  • Step 1: Place an order directly on our website or via LMC fanpage. LMC encourages customers to place orders on LMC website unless you have special requests or encounter technical problems on the website. If you do not receive an automatic confirmation email immediately after placing an order online, please check your spam box or contact us for support.
  • Step 2: You can make payment immediately after receiving the order confirmation email, or within 4 hours of receiving the payment request from LMC. Payment can be made via bank transfer to the below account with no content as the description
    Nguyen Tran Lan Anh – 1510202168 – ACB Ho Chi Minh City
    Nguyen Tran Lan Anh – 0909690517 – MOMO
    Note: Due to the limited quantities of many items, if payment is not made within 4 hours after LMC contacts you to finalize the order, the order might be cancelled to let other customers continue to purchase. We thank you for your understanding.
  • Step 3: After LMC receives payment, customers will be notified via email, Facebook Messenger within 24 hours. The order will then be packaged and shipped. Please contact us if you do not receive payment confirmation via email within 24 hours.
  • Step 4: If your order contains fragile items such as glass, porcelain, or ceramic items, please check immediately when the shipper delivers or when opening the package. Please record a video so that LMC can verify and send back the broken items. Please refer to the exchange and return policy for more information.

Because LMC has many similar items that can be confusing and the quantity of each item is also limited, ordering on the website will:

  • Helps you have more time to think, choose and decide
  • Helps you secure the order of your favorite items on the website the fastest because sometimes our fanpage’s admin is not available for an immediate response. During that wait someone else might snatch that last item you have been eyeing.
  • When you order online and create an account on the website, you can track your orders history easily as well as update your personal information quickly.
  • You will receive updates of your order status automatically
  • LMC offers special promotions or gift coupons for members with accounts on the website regularly
  • Helps orders be processed faster, saving time for both you and our admins

Should you seek style guidance or have product inquiries, our Fanpage admin is here to assist, ensuring your optimal decorating experience!

If you do not receive order confirmation or any email from LMC, please check your spam box and select the appropriate settings to always receive emails from LMC. We regularly send customers discount coupons and special promotions via email for members with accounts on the website.

LMC is an e-commerce website with warehouses in Ho Chi Minh City and currently does not have a store where customers can visit and make the purchase in store. If you want to view high-valued items in person before buying, you can make an appointment with LMC to come see the products.

Most of the images on the website are taken by LMC of the actual products. For products whose images are from the manufacturers, LMC guarantees that the actual products are the same or even more beautiful than in the pictures.



  • Free ship for orders from 1,000,000đ
  • Flat rate 50,0000đ for all other orders


  • Free ship for orders from 5,000,000đ
  • Flat rate 150,000đ (from Jan-Sep) and 100,000đ (from Oct-Dec) for all other orders

Other cities in Vietnam

  • Free ship for orders from 5,000,000đ
  • Flat rate 100,000đ for all other orders

If you think your shipment should cost less than the flat rate shipping fees that we offer, you can also choose to pay the shippers directly upon delivery. LMC will choose the safest shipping methods for the products inside the package. If you choose this shipping option, LMC cannot provide you with the exact shipping costs before we pack and ship your orders out.

Free shipping outside of HCMC will take 3-5 days not including packing time (1-3 days) and will be handled by Viettelpost. If you want express shipping, please contact us for support.

If your orders are delivered by Grab/Be/Ahamove, we always try to contact you before the shippers are booked. If the shippers could not contact you upon arrival and have to return the packages to us, you will be responsible for paying for the next shipment.

  • Ho Chi Minh City (District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, Tan Binh, Tan Phu, Phu Nhuan, Binh Thanh, Go Vap): 2-3 days
  • Ha Noi: 4-7 days
  • Ho Chi Minh City (District 9, 12, Thu Duc, Binh Tan, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, Nha Be, Cu Chi): 3-5 days

If you are in HCMC and wants to receive the orders on the same day, please contact LMC for assistance. During peak seasons (November, December, January) LMC can apply surcharge for express shipping requests.

As LMC products are fragile, we DO NOT accept returns or exchanges if the customer changes their mind after purchase.

However, in certain special cases, LMC may consider supporting returns or exchanges. In such instances, customers will be charged a restocking and repackaging fee equivalent to 5-10% of the order value. Please note that this fee does not include shipping costs.

In case the goods are broken or damaged during transportation before reaching the customers, or if LMC sends incorrect or missing products, please notify us within 24 hours of receiving the goods. Please record videos or take pictures when unboxing so that we can offer you the most suitable solutions.

Please note that many of our products are hand-made and will have differences or imperfections, even in the highest quality ceramic/porcelain products.

If you want to ship internationally please contact us for a quotation.


Products without “Coming Soon” or “Preorders” stickers are available at LMC’s warehouses and are ready to ship.

These are the meanings of special stickers on our website:

  • Preorder: these products are not available at LMC or with a limited quantity. However LMC can order these products with the manufacturers if there’s a demand. The waiting time can vary depending on each manufacturer and can take up to 6 months. Please contact us for more consultation.
  • Coming Soon: products that will be available in LMC’s warehouses within 2-3 weeks and you can still place orders for these products online.
  • Out of Stock: these products are currently no longer available and LMC has not repurchased or will not continue to offer them on our website.

For the best shopping experience on our website, LMC ensures that our stock levels accurately reflect reality. Should any unforeseen stock discrepancies arise, we’ll promptly reach out to you.

Most product images on our site are captured by LMC. For products whose images are provided by the manufacturers, we guarantee that the actual product matches or surpasses its depicted beauty.